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  • Writer's pictureHannah & Rachel

Job sharing only works in non-fee earning and administrative roles...

In the fifth and final of our debunking the myths of job sharing series, we look at the views of some sceptics who believe that job sharing is only successful in non-fee earning and administrative roles... Our research has shown us a variety of roles that job sharing can work in...Engineers at Ford, Partners within legal firms, Recruiters, Head teachers, Asset Managers, Political Editors for The Guardian, Area Managers at Tesco, CEOs and even the Leaders of the Green Party! • Whilst job sharing can certainly work in administrative roles, they can also work within highly operational and technical roles, as well as strategic and client facing ones. The beauty of job sharing is that with the right partner and principles in place, and a commitment to the arrangement, you can make it work. And not only can bring huge business and personal benefits! In fact, the stats speak for themselves...see our post on The Job Share Project of 14 October! • There is proof that there are no boundaries to job sharing. We’ve seen examples of job sharers who are running huge teams of more than 500 people, who are shaping and guiding strategy and who are leading on new business development, aiming to hit an annual team target of £4 million in fees. We’ve also seen some amazing examples within administrative roles too! We often discuss types of roles that we think job sharing wouldn’t work in (with anyone who will speak to us about it!) and to date we can’t think of a role you can’t job share...maybe an astronaut?! #debunkingjobsharingmyths #debunkingmyths #mythsvfacts #mythsvsfacts #jobshare #jobsharing #jobsharepartners #jobshareroles #webelieveyoucanjobshareinanyrole #maybenotinspace #onejobtwominds #benefitsofjobsharing #flexappeal #flexibleworking #parttimeworking #worklifebalance #thefutureofwork #workthatworks #workingparents #workingmums #workingdads #thejobsharepair

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